Dragon ball heroes android race
Dragon ball heroes android race

dragon ball heroes android race

However Kagyu turns out to be Hero Switch-compatible and was one of the other missing kids, though Nim remains missing. After the battle, they ask the kid his name and to they're disappointment he says his name is Kagyu as they were hoping they had found Nim. However the DBH Team is able to kill the pair. However they're conversation is interrupted by the appearance of an anomalous Dodoria and Zarbon who had been sent to invade Earth by Frieza due to an anomaly.ĭodoria and Zarbon are looking for the Earth Dragon Balls ans try to force them to tell them wear they are though they try to play dumb but this leads to a fight. However the kid asks if they are from Hero Town and reveals he's an SDBH player. They are soon approached by another kid around their own age that they don't recognize and wonder if he's a game world inhabitant. Froze is amazed by their surroundings as this is his first time in the game world. In Chapter 2, Sub Chapter 3: " An Unthinkable Appearance", Beat, Note, and Froze are transported to the game world Earth in Age 764.

#Dragon ball heroes android race how to

Note asks if they have any suggestions how to escape point out that at this rate they will be sucked in but before she can finish all three get sucked into it.Ĭhapter 2, Sub Chapter 3 - " An Unthinkable Appearance" Beat says he wishes he could tell him but before he can finishing explaining why he can't he notices they are being sucked in.

dragon ball heroes android race

Froze has never seen one and asks what it is. He contacts Great Saiyaman 3 and he asks if they found anything and Beat is about to tell him when Note points out another tear in space like the one Dabura, Yamu, and Spopovich flee through previously. Froze says staying where they are would just be a waste of time and Beat agrees saying they should report back. However they find no sign of Nim besides Beat saying that a couple of kids told him they battled Nim the other, but no other leads. Beat suggests they hit the Hero Stadium first, while Great Saiyaman 3 covers the town and to let him know if they find something. He asks Beat, Note, and Froze if he can count on them and they all agree. Great Saiyaman 3 says if they work together he'll turn up eventually. Bocacchi thanks the Hero Master as he doesn't think they can find Nim on their own. Great Saiyaman 3 assures the two boys they will help find their missing friend. Great Saiyaman 3 notes it is likely not just a runaway case and Beat agrees saying they better look into it. Bocacchi says though Nim likes to go out he always comes back home and it is unlike him not to. Yuto also reveals Nim hasn't been home in ages and his mother is worried sick. Yuto reveals that in addition to Nim, more kids have gone missing. Beat is certain it is definitely the work of a game character but decides its better to feign ignorance to prevent creating a panic among the Town's civilian population. Beat assumes another anomaly is involved with Nim's disappearance but stops himself from revealing to much and says the world hasn't been safe lately and Note adds to Beat's cover story of rampaging cosplayers to explain away the recent incursions by game world enemies into their reality such as Cooler, Dabura, Spopovich, and Yamu. The boys ask if they've seen Nim though they have no idea who he is. The security guards Kang and Kong attempt to remove the boys as the Hero Lab's existence is a secret, but Great Saiyaman 3 tells them to let the boys go as they seem to have a reason for wanting to be there. Main article: Super Dragon Ball Heroes: World Mission Chapter 2, Sub Chapter 2 - " Hero Town in Danger!"Īfter recruiting Froze to the Dragon Ball Heroes Team in Chapter 2, Sub Chapter 2: " Hero Town in Danger!", Yuto and his friend Bocacchi manage to follow Beat, Note, and Froze to the Hero Lab in search of Great Saiyaman 3 having overheard Beat and Froze mention they were going to meet the Hero Master. Nim's hair is also tied back in a ponytail, and his scarf seems to be a bit bigger. His left boot is now completely blue, and a long yellow cloth flows from his belt. In his Super God Class-up outfit, he wears a black jumpsuit, and wears golden mechanical armor on his right leg and left arm.

dragon ball heroes android race

In his first two outfits, his overall appearance resembles Super 17. The Android Hero's overall appearance resembles Android 17, the main differences are that he is younger, has his hair tied back, and has the Red Ribbon Army logo on his belt.

Dragon ball heroes android race